The Southern California Region (SCR) of Nar-Anon Family Groups (NFG) quarterly regional assemblies will be held in the months of January, April, July, and October at 10am. Check the website's calendar for which Saturday within these months.
Click Here for meeting information.
At the bottom of this page is the September 2023 Services Workshop titled "Helping Nar-Anon, Helping" audio recording. This recording will help members understand how being of service is a very important part of our 12-Step recovery and to discuss the many big and small opportunities (many of which are easy and fun) that are available so YOU can be a part of giving back!
Our elections assembly is held every (2) two years in the month of October. The last elections were held in 2023.
Southern California Region Elections Assembly
These are two year positions and are open to all members meeting the criteria in the Southern California Regional Guidelines. Please check the Guide to Local Services for requirements and additional information on all positions.
Current Vacancies
While all committees can use additional volunteers, there are current several leadership vacancies that need to be filled with varying levels of urgency:
Outreach Committee Chair
Narateen Facilitators
Literature Committee Chair
Click Here to learn about the most urgent volunteer opportunities available in the SoCal Region
Facilitates assembly meetings
Prepares agenda
Vice Chair
The vice chair should be willing to become chair at the end of the current chair’s term. If the chair is unable to fulfill the position, the vice chair assumes the chair’s position for the duration of the term or until an election assembly is held.
The duties of the Secretary include:
Attend monthly phone call meeting with other regional officers.
Prepare minutes from the monthly phone calls and distribute those minutes within 2 weeks from the meeting.
Attend quarterly regional assemblies with the regional officers and group service representatives.
Prepare minutes from the quarterly regional assembly and send those minutes to the Regional Chair within 2 weeks from the meeting.
Represent the SCR in communication with banks and others as an officer of our non-profit organization.
Assist in the preparation and distribution of emails to the members.
More information about the duties of a Regional Secretary are included in the Guide to Local Services and SCR Guidelines
Handles region finances
Is a member of the Finance Committee
Region Delegate and Region Alternate Delegate
The Regional Delegate attends the Nar-Anon World Conference every two years (to be held in 2021 virtually due to COVID-19 restrictions, but usually held in Torrance, CA) and represents the SoCal Region's interests by participating in the Conference functions, voting on fellowship matters and submitting floor motions if needed.
We currently have a need for more members on all of our Service Committees. Most of our service committees meet monthly or quarterly via virtual meetings such as Zoom or Skype. Most committees due not require anymore time, energy or skills that you are able to reasonably commit to.
Member duties may include:
Prepare sub-committee guidelines.
Prepare reports to the region.
Bring your ideas to the committee.
Assist the committee in making wise decisions that are in the best interest of the Nar-Anon fellowship.
Support our primary purpose by carrying the message of recovery to those still suffering.
Service Positions
Zoom Host
Take Back to Meeting
At all levels of Nar-Anon, all members and officers should be bound by Nar-Anon’s Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of Service.